A Catechist is a person who teaches the essentials of the Christian faith and morals to our parish children in the Parish Religious Education Program (PREP). Please consider serving your parish and our children in this important capacity!
We are also in need of Catechetical Aides. Catechetical Aides serve in a supporting role assisting the Class Catechist. It’s also a wonderful way to experience and to grow in the skills needed to serve as a Catechist. To meet the highest safe environment standards, we have two adults (two Catechists or a Catechist and a Catechetical Aide) in every classroom. Finally, we are in need of volunteers to help with the program in other capacities.
If you or someone you know are interested, please contact Mary Anne Monroe, Director of Religious Education, at mmonroe@sjvgladwyne.com or by calling the Parish Offices (610-642-0938). Thank you!
Our OCIA team is a group of dedicated parishioners who accompany our candidates, who are in the process of becoming Catholic, throughout the year.
Generally, OCIA classes are held on Thursday evenings from September - May. The OCIA team joins the candidates during these classes and helps them to understand and live our beautiful Catholic faith. They walk with these candidates throughout the year, providing an example of Catholic living for them and praying for them.
If you are interested in being a part of our team, please contact Mary Anne Monroe, Director of Religious Education, at mmonroe@sjvgladwyne.com or by calling the Parish Offices at 610-642-0938.
Thank you!