Besides the celebration of the Sacraments, at Saint John Vianney we offer various important devotions that can help us to live holier lives. We invite you to join us throughout the year for these great devotions!
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is the acknowledgment that, because the whole Christ is really present in the Blessed Sacrament, he is to be adored in the Eucharist as the incarnate God.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is the ceremony in which a priest or deacon removes the Sacred Host from the tabernacle and places it on the altar for adoration. In public exposition, the Sacred Host is placed in the lunette of the monstrance and elevated so that all adorers can see it. The ceremony was introduced in the fourteenth century under the influence of the newly-established feast of Corpus Christi.
O Sacrament most Holy,
O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and all thanksgiving,
Be every moment Thine.
Adoration Times at Saint John Vianney
Wednesdays: 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM during Advent and Lent
The rosary is a devotional prayer, mental and vocal, honoring the Blessed Mother of God. It is said on a string of beads made up of five sets, each of one large and ten smaller beads, called decades. On the large beads, the Our Father is said; on the small ones, the Hail Mary. The usual devotion is the twenty decades, on the joyous, luminous, sorrowful, or glorious aspects of Our Lord and Our Lady's life. It is the most popular of all non-liturgical Catholic devotions and has been highly recommended by many popes.
For more information on how to pray the rosary, please click here
The Holy Rosary is prayed after daily Mass from Monday- Saturday in the church. All are welcome for this powerful devotion to Our Lady!

The Miraculous Medal is a distinctive oval medal of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Its design was revealed in 1830 to St. Catherine Labouré (canonized in 1947), a Daughter of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul in Paris, in visions she had of Our Lady. On one side the medal bears an image of Mary with arms outstretched with the words "O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee," and on the reverse side the letter M with a cross and twelve stars above it and the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The number of miracles attached to the wearing of this medal gave it the popular description of "miraculous."
The Miraculous Medal Novena itself is a set of special prayers asking for the powerful intercession of Mary through Miraculous Medal devotion.
The Miraculous Medal Novena is prayed after daily Mass on Tuesdays. All are welcome!