For almost 100 years, Saint John Vianney Parish has been a thriving Catholic community in Gladwyne, PA. What we call the “Parish House” (the building next to the church) was the original rectory and church. The current church was built in 1940 and is of beautiful English rustic style with many wooden components (donated from a local estate in that period), which are French Renaissance style.
While we are blessed with a beautiful church, we know that the “Church” is fundamentally the “People of God.” As a People of God, a community of believers, we strive to imitate our patron saint, St. John Vianney (also called the Curé d'Ars), to grow in holiness one day at a time through love of God and love of neighbor.
As a Roman Catholic parish, our vision is towards heaven. To be a place where sanctification occurs and where each person, through the grace of God, can reach their ultimate goal, which is union with the Triune God forever.
Together, we strive to be a place of faith, a place of learning, a place of service, a place of community, and a place of welcoming.
Thousands of parishioners call Saint John Vianney their home. Our community, though diverse in many ways, is united in a single faith and desire to live that faith in the context of our relationships. As God always works through communities, we believe that the Holy Spirit works through us.
What do you seek? Do you desire a welcoming Catholic community? Do you desire a place where you can learn more about your faith? Do you desire a place where the Sacraments are faithfully and reverently celebrated? Do you desire opportunities to serve?
Whatever reasons have brought you here, the Holy Spirit is working in you. We are here to help you encounter Christ, grow in your Catholic faith, and find a welcoming parish home. Come join us!
View our Livestreamed and Recorded Masses Here!
Online SJV Parish Registration
We now offer online parish registration. Families or individuals can easily register online by clicking here to register. Welcome to SJV!